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In the Arabic language of our native Algeria, this loving nickname means, essentially, "weirdo." My mother always knew I was different. Since birth, my high physical energy and difficulty connecting with the material world gave me unique abilities to think through and solve problems. It was hard for me to make friends as a child because I lived my life on a different plane. "Spiritually curious" only begins to describe my passion for discovering the meaning of life and how we humans can make the most of our existence.


I have always known that the Higher Energies of the universe guide us and shape our lives, but later in life, I began to learn more about how we ourselves can take a powerful responsibility and transform ourselves into our best selves and live our best lives.

Through my work as an academic and spiritual educator at colleges, universities, and my own Nas Learning Center
a nexus of interfaith dialogue, I have had the privilege of helping many people of all ages discover the beauty of the universal message of the Qur'an. It is an honor to work with so many wonderful souls in our collective journey back to the Source.


I look forward to meeting you and your Higher Self. Let's journey together, healing our hearts and bodies, so we can make the most of our time on Earth.






B.S., Math & Physics, Constantine University
M.S., Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University
M.S., Physics, Word Communication International

M.S., Islamic Studies, American Open University

Quantum Healing Practitioner



My mother called me

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